


Electric lines are usually at the top of the pole, farthest from the ground. Cable TV and telephone lines run 关闭r to the ground, below power lines. Contact your local cable and phone utilities to receive information about trimming requirements or any problems with these lines.

如果你的树已经生长在电线附近, it's important to trim them regularly to prevent them from growing into the lines. 

Only certified line-clearance professionals are approved to work within 10 feet of energized power lines. All other professionals, arborists, tree trimmers and homeowners must not work within this zone. Contact the utility to make arrangements if a private tree service will be working on a tree with branches within 10 feet of an energized conductor.

When trimming trees near power lines, it's important to hire a qualified arborist. Arborists have the training and experience to safely trim trees near power lines.

一棵树修剪多少取决于树种, 电源线电压 以及分支离这些线有多近.

电源线电压 总间隙规格
230kV输电线路 30英尺, or to the nearest lateral branch beyond the initially stated clearance, 在每一边的最外层导体
69kV分输电线路 20英尺, or to the nearest lateral branch beyond the initially stated clearance, 在每一边的最外层导体
69kV以下配电线路 快速生长的树木(i.e., 西伯利亚的榆树, 盒子的, Silver Maple); 10 feet, or to the nearest lateral branch beyond the initially stated clearance, is the standard minimum approach distance for unqualified personnel
二次电源线 1-3英尺间隙



  • 不要自己修剪电线附近的树木.
  • Hire a qualified Line Clearance Certified arborist to trim trees near power lines.
  • 确保树艺师有适当的安全设备.
  • 注意地下电线的位置.
  • 维护树木安全

In addition to planting and trimming trees safely, it's also important to maintain trees safely. 这包括:

  • 清除死的、病的或损坏的树木.
  • Pruning trees to remove branches that are hanging over power lines.
  • 保持树木浇水和施肥.
  • 监视树是否有问题的迹象.

By following these tips, you can help keep your trees safe and your power on.

修剪树木可以提高电力可靠性, reducing the number of outages in good conditions as well as bad weather, 当最需要可靠性的时候.

Our goal is to keep trees healthy while making sure they don't interfere with power lines. We follow the science-based lateral pruning method developed by the International Society of Arboriculture and approved by the National Arborists Association and National Arbor Day Foundation. Lateral pruning makes the overall structure of the tree stronger and more resistant to high winds and heavy ice loads. 未来的增长将远离输电线. 我们不“顶”树,也被称为“圆整”或“塑造”.” The National Arbor Day Foundation discourages topping beca使用 it makes trees more prone to co-dominate stems, 窄分支角, 弱附枝, 疾病和昆虫的问题. The degree to which a tree is trimmed depends on multiple factors, 包括树木, 树木的健康, 电源线电压, 靠近线路, 以及分支离这些线有多近.

是的. 我们将尝试通知房主. 这可能包括在工作开始前礼貌地敲门, an informative door hanger left by a work planner several weeks ahead of scheduled work or a tree removal request form.

在修剪发生的当天清除树枝碎片. 如果天气或设备问题阻碍了碎片的清除, the contractor will notify the property owners or will leave a door hanger to let them know when they will return to finish cleaning up. We do not clean up debris in rural areas of our system or if the property owner is OK with leaving the debris. 我们也不清理风暴后的垃圾.

是的,有书面许可. Trees near our electric facilities sometimes need to be removed rather than trimmed. 如果一棵树被认为是一个很好的候选者, 是否患病, 死亡, 暴风雨损坏了, 可能因必要的修整而严重变形的, or in a spot that will ca使用 future conflicts with the electric line, then or our contractor must obtain written permission from the owner of the tree to remove it. Trees near service lines that run to individual homes and businesses are the property owner’s responsibility and are not trimmed or removed.

是的. 在具有高重新发芽潜力的树(i.e. 西伯利亚银枫、白杨、刺槐等.)被移除。, the cut stump is treated with approved and applicable herbicide to prevent re-sprouting. Only certified contractors with proper herbicide application licenses are allowed to treat our rights-of-way as part of our “Integrated Vegetation Management” practices.

综合植被管理使用的是机械设备, manual work and herbicides to manage power lines’ rights-of-way and to selectively control incompatible plant species in order to preserve low-growing grasses, 草本和木本灌木. With proper management, low-growing vegetation eventually dominates the right-of-way. Studies show this type of meadow-like setting will enhance wildlife habitat by promoting vegetation preferred by birds, deer and other small animals while reducing the need for future treatments.

Burying lines is about five to six times more expensive than overhead lines. 地下线路也比架空线路需要更多的空间. Repairing underground lines can take much more time to restore than overhead lines.

While trees grow to varying heights, it’s generally best to avoid planting trees under power lines. Before planting, visualize the height and spread of the tree in relation to nearby power lines. 也, 为了您的安全, don't plant trees or large shrubs within 10 feet of a utility pole or pad mount transformer.

是的. 实用便利, 或权利之内, exist on most properties allow public utilities to place facilities and to access/inspect and conduct maintenance to said facilities. 当地的, state and federal ordinances and statutes are also in place requiring and allowing utilities to repair, 使用, operate and maintain the utility’s electric or gas transmission lines. 这包括修剪和/或清除植被.

您可以拨打我们的澳门威尼斯人热线 888-890-5554.




Our power lines bring electricity to the communities we serve and in to your home or business. While we rely on electricity, we sometimes underestimate its force. 了解一些基本规则可以保证你在用电周围的安全.
